


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017年09月05日 點(diǎn)擊率:

Seaside Villa / Shinichi Ogawa & Associates



From the architect. The weekend house built on the site of resort area Hua Hin located in central Thailand.It is a refined weekend house that can overlook all the best views.The weekend house is situated in elongated site with a width of 50 meters and a length of 300 meters from the main street to the beach, in front of you in a location where you can enjoy a beautiful sandy beach and an elegant beach resort.

? Pirak Anurakyawachon


On this site, there is a weekend house previously built by the owner in the middle of the site. Apart from that, there are six rooms for each of the six family members to use in front of the beach, and all the family members can share outdoor dining, outdoor living, pool, gym, sauna, and kitchen.

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

一層平面圖/First Level Plan

? Pirak Anurakyawachon


Each room is composed of a space of 4m in height and 6m in length and 20m in length and consists of a private living room with a ceiling height of 5m from the opening on the seaside to the half of the building, the another half with a bathroom and a loft that has different planning.

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon


The outdoor dining and the outdoor living where the family gathers are connected by a gate of 44m in length, and the infinity pool of 40m in length leads to the sea. The SEASIDE VILLA is able to feel the resort in different spaces from diverse private spaces to public spaces.

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon

? Pirak Anurakyawachon


? Pirak Anurakyawachon


? Pirak Anurakyawachon

場(chǎng)地平面圖/Site Plan


底層平面圖/Ground Floor Plan


房間1平面和剖面圖/Villa 1 - Plans and Sections

房間2平面和剖面圖/Villa 2 - Plans and Sections

房間3平面和剖面圖/Villa 3 - Plans and Sections

房間4平面和剖面圖/Villa 4 - Plans and Sections

房間5平面和剖面圖/Villa 5 - Plans and Sections

房間6平面和剖面圖/Villa 6 - Plans and Sections


建筑設(shè)計(jì):Shinichi Ogawa & Associates
項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人:hinichi Ogawa
建筑攝影:Pirak Anurakyawachon

Architects: Shinichi Ogawa & Associates
Location: Hua Hin Beach, Hua Hin District, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand
Lead ArchitectS: hinichi Ogawa
Area: 970.6 m2
Project Year: 2017
Photographs: Pirak Anurakyawachon



上一篇:玉龍雪山下的石頭院落 | 麗江墅家玉廬酒店照明設(shè)計(jì)

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