


發(fā)布時間:2017年09月28日 點擊率:


Sine?rgics co-working spaces in Barcelona showcase low-budget furniture solutions


懸掛在空中的吊床和集成存儲系統(tǒng)的桌子是Colombo 和 Serboli Architecture在巴塞羅那這個低成本社區(qū)協(xié)同工作空間內(nèi)增加的一些節(jié)省空間的細節(jié)設計。

A hammock suspended in midair and tables with integrated storage systems are some of the space-saving details that Colombo and Serboli Architecture have added inside this series of low-budget community co-working spaces in Barcelona.

Colombo 和 Serboli Architecture也被稱為CaSA,被要求在Baróde Viver(西班牙城市的一個失業(yè)率很高的地區(qū))改造五個未使用的商業(yè)地產(chǎn)。 該項目的目的是為當?shù)仄髽I(yè)家創(chuàng)造工作空間。


Colombo and Serboli Architecture, also known as CaSA, was asked to transform five unused commercial properties in Baro? de Viver, an area of the Spanish city with a high rate of unemployment. The aim was to create workspaces for local entrepreneurs.
The budget was very tight, so the architects developed a series of versatile furniture designs able to suit various activities.



"We had to translate the laudable target of the initiative into space, transforming five never-used, neglected, bricked and empty premises on the ground floor of social-housing blocks into attractive, vibrant workspaces where small companies would want to set up their offices," said the team.
"The project had to make the most of the spaces, give visibility of the co-working to the neighbourhood, communicate openness, and keep content safe in an area with security problems."


Two of the five spaces are positioned next to one another, so were joined together. This created enough extra space to provide a kitchen, but not enough for a lounge space – so CaSA instead decided to make one that was raised up in the air.



They built a simple steel frame and wrapped netting over it, creating an elevated hammock. It is accessed via a simple staircase, made by folding up a single sheet of perforated metal.
"One can contemplate the trees outside whilst hanging there," said the team.

每個工作區(qū)都有自己獨特的顏色,圍繞墻壁的基礎應用,還有從天花板懸掛的圓形隔音板。 這有助于將每個所有五個空格賦予自己的身份,但也將它們聯(lián)系在一起。

Each of the workspaces has its own distinctive colour, which is applied around the base of the walls, and also features on round acoustic panels that hang from the ceilings. This helps to give each all five spaces their own identity, but also ties them together.


Work surfaces are provided by trapezoid-shaped (as well as rectangular) tables, designed to suit different configurations. These feature gridded metal backdrops, so people can attach papers and plants to them, but they don't block views.

模塊化LED照明系統(tǒng)連接到這些桌子的腿部,并可以調(diào)整為面向不同的方向。這些由家具品牌Kettal提供的椅子和小桌子搭配,包括Jasper Morrison設計的鄉(xiāng)村椅子。


Modular LED lighting systems attach to the legs of these desks, and can adjusted to face in different directions. These are joined by chairs and small tables provided by furniture brand Kettal, including the Jasper Morrison-designed Village chairs.
Other details were kept as they were, including the concrete columns and exposed ceilings – although mesh shutters were added for security.


CaSA由建筑師Andrea Serboli和Matteo Colombo領導。工作室過去的項目包括一個為自行車存放定制的住宅,另外還有一個擁有全白色內(nèi)飾的房屋。

攝影:Roberto Ruiz。

Called Sine?rgics, the spaces are now used for a variety of different occupations, from bicycle repair to textile design.
CaSA is led by architects Andrea Serboli and Matteo Colombo. Past projects by the studio include a home with bespoke bicycle storage and another with an all-white interior.
Photography is by Roberto Ruiz.



上一篇:伊斯坦布爾Happy Moon餐廳設計

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