

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017年10月09日 點(diǎn)擊率:

我們想要研究的實(shí)際上是很簡單的形象,那就是幸福空間的形象。在這個(gè)方向上,我們的探索可稱作場(chǎng)所之愛。 ——加斯東?巴什拉《空間的詩學(xué)》
Indeed, the images I want to examine arethe quite simple images of felicitous space. In this orientation, theseinvestigations would deserve to be called topophilia. ——GastonBachelard, The Poetics of Space

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第1張圖片

The politics of space, as advocatedtirelessly by Lefebvre, ismaterialized as ubiquitous nets of powerrelations, rending all the office spaces a colosseum of power.

Every image of space emerges from thematrix of social activities and relations it contains, namely the interaction amongpeople, objects and the space itself.The politics of space, asadvocatedtirelessly by Lefebvre, is materialized as a ubiquitous net of powerrelations, rendering all kinds of spaces a colosseum of power. In this aspect,office spaces are especially prone to become ‘battlefields’ of power struggles,a character that, rather than enhancingworking experience and efficiency, oftenresults in depressing places overloaded with tension and stress. Compared with ‘fast’officespaces, living spaces are much ‘slower’, characterized by the appeal to relaxationcozinessand privacy.

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第2張圖片

Such topological distinction is whatinitiated our design. Why not ‘transplant’the elements of the ‘slower’residence spaces to ‘faster’office spaces, and enliven the stiff and coldspatial relations of the later? On the basis of providing the essential officefunctions,our reconfiguration of spatial relation aims to createin officespaces the smoothness, tranquility and warm of houses. It requires us to breakup and reassemble elements of two very different space categories and keep acompromising equilibrium between two very different design languages. Thereforeitis also an innovative attempt to bring about new mode of spatialrelationship.

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第3張圖片 

Embedded in a dense neighborhood of commercialbuildings, this office, dotted with trees and bamboos, looks like an oasis in adesert. On the one hand, the ‘bamboo area’ on the side of the entrance, thecantilevered public rest area and the sofa, coffee table, bar and Frenchwindows, all of these give guests the feeling of being home; on the other hand,the independent office area on the ground floor is hidden behind the plants,which provides refreshing interior landscapes. The meeting room is in theinnermost part, a place with a tint of a sweet home rather than a stressful andindifferent office. 

郁郁蔥蔥的沿街立面the street fa?ade with green plants  

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第4張圖片

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第5張圖片

The combination of transparent glass panelsand white wall not only enhances the illumination, but also creates variouslayers of space. The ‘bridge’ on the upper floor provides a focus ofperspective, it alsoforms another ‘secret garden’ besides the bamboos on theground floor.

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第6張圖片

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第7張圖片

The‘bridge’ on the upper floor provides a focus of perspective, and forms another ‘secretgarden’ besides the bamboos on the ground floor.

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第8張圖片

The upper floor is accessed throughdelicate, slim stairs, where anunique spatial dialogue of concrete, wood andmetal. The playful combination of the bar and the stair is also symbolic of thecombination of home and office. 

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第9張圖片

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第10張圖片

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第11張圖片

The independent office area on the ground floor is hiddenbehind the plants, which provides refreshing interior landscapes 

軸測(cè)圖Axonometric drawing 

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第12張圖片

通過這個(gè)項(xiàng)目,我們將傳統(tǒng)的辦公空間關(guān)系進(jìn)行打破與重新設(shè)計(jì),以滿足現(xiàn)代辦公人際關(guān)系對(duì)空間新的需求。而鑒于項(xiàng)目客戶的工作特點(diǎn),打破團(tuán)隊(duì)成員之間較為生疏的壁壘,提高團(tuán)隊(duì)的凝聚力,通過“慢辦公”營造家庭氛圍,更是本案設(shè)計(jì)的起點(diǎn)與歸宿。用巴什拉《空間詩學(xué)》的話說,我們似乎已經(jīng)在用“場(chǎng)所之愛”去營造辦公的“幸??臻g”(felicitous space)了。
Our client hopes that the project can helpimprove cooperation and communication between colleagues. And the office willbecome a sweet home for all the team members. In the project, traditionaloffices spatial relations are broken up, reconfigured and reassembled, only tomeet the new needs for new breeds of office spaces.

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第13張圖片

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第14張圖片 

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第15張圖片

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第16張圖片


“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第17張圖片


“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第18張圖片

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第19張圖片

“慢辦公”的空間詩學(xué)丨The Poetics of Slow Office Space第20張圖片
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