


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017年12月18日 點(diǎn)擊率:

10 Modern Rooms with Vibrant Pops of Color



Color has a way of taking our spaces from just okay to something your friends might want to Instagram while they’re visiting. It affects our moods and overall can help us create a happy place to call home at the end of a long day. Looking for some inspiration, we rounded up 10 rooms where vibrant colors are added to elevate the space to a new, energetic level.

Photo courtesy of Corcoran

Fab.com聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人Bradford Shellhammer在切爾西擁有一間公寓,他剛剛出售。墻壁采用了一個(gè)芭蕾舞者的粉紅色,地板是深色的木材,這兩個(gè)都是多彩的家具和藝術(shù)的完美背景,包括Andy Warhol 和Keith Haring的作品。

Fab.com co-founder Bradford Shellhammer owns an apartment in Chelsea that he’s just put up for sale. The walls are a ballerina pink and the floors are a dark stained wood, both of which are the perfect backdrop for the colorful array of furnishings and art, including works by Andy Warhol and Keith Haring.

Photo by Armelle Habib

位于墨爾本的加利福尼亞平房的這間客廳,為Heather Nette King風(fēng)格設(shè)計(jì),設(shè)有充滿活力的綠地毯,柑橘風(fēng)格的椅子和奧斯曼燈,以及銹紅色的沙發(fā)墊,都壁爐周圍鋪設(shè)的是中性灰磚。

This living room in a California bungalow located in Melbourne was styled by Heather Nette King with a vibrant green rug, a citrus-inspired chair and ottoman, and rust red sofa cushions, all paired with neutral grey bricks around the fireplace.

Photo by ?ke E:son Lindman

在斯德哥爾摩的Humleg?rden公寓裝修完全與典型的瑞典室內(nèi)不同,它擁有明亮,色彩繽紛的鑲木地板,奠定了整體色調(diào)。餐廳的重點(diǎn)是不同的綠色以及白色的家具。由Tham&Videg?rdHansson Arkitekter / Bolle Tham和MartinVideg?rdHansson設(shè)計(jì)。

The Humleg?rden apartment renovation in Stockholm is a complete deviation from typical Swedish interiors with bright, colorful parquet floors setting the tone throughout. The dining room focuses on varying shades of green along with white furniture pieces. Designed by Tham & Videg?rd Hansson Arkitekter / Bolle Tham and Martin Videg?rd Hansson.

Photo courtesy of Elle Decor Espana

這間房子由M. Brendemoe設(shè)計(jì),擁有棉花糖般粉紅色的墻壁,兩種綠色的沙發(fā),配有多彩多姿的枕頭,還有一幅繪畫,將它們整合在一起。

Designed by M. Brendemoe, this room has cotton candy pink walls, a two-tone green sofa with multicolored throw pillows, and a painting that ties it all together.

Photo by Trevor Tondro/Living Inside courtesy of Inside Out Magazine

這里也是Bradham Shellhammer他以前的周末住宅,里面裝飾著萬花筒的顏色,這些都會(huì)讓你開心。啞光的黑色墻壁使明亮的顏色流行起來,以獲得戲劇性(快樂)的效果。

Also from Bradford Shellhammer is his former weekend home which houses a kaleidoscope of colors that are bound to make you happy. Matte black walls make the bright colors pop against it for a dramatic (and happy) look.

Photo by Tessa Neustadt

設(shè)計(jì)師Emily Henderson創(chuàng)造了擁有一系列有趣的色彩的風(fēng)格住宅,使這個(gè)真正的現(xiàn)代空間變得溫暖。白色的墻壁和地板,黑磚壁爐和腔調(diào),明亮的kilim地毯做出強(qiáng)有力的空間表明,沙發(fā)椅子和藍(lán)色沙發(fā)也一樣。

Stylist Emily Henderson created a stylish home with a series of fun colors that warm up this really modern space. With white walls and floors, and a black brick fireplace and accents, the bright kilim rug makes a powerful statement, as do the teal chairs and blue sofa.

Photo by Dennis Zanore / Memphis-Milano

Ettore Sottsass設(shè)計(jì)的房間,里面的任何東西都不可能有爆炸性的顏色。孟菲斯集團(tuán)的創(chuàng)始人有一種將令人驚奇的顏色和形式結(jié)合在一起的方式,從而產(chǎn)生出人意料的,而且巧妙的設(shè)計(jì)。

It’s impossible not to have an explosion of color when anything by Ettore Sottsass is in the room. The Memphis group founder had a way of putting surprising colors and forms together to result in unexpected, yet clever designs.

Photo by Jasmin Park

這個(gè)亞歷山大中世紀(jì)的現(xiàn)代家居轉(zhuǎn)接給由Michelle Boudreau設(shè)計(jì)公司,為現(xiàn)代的更新時(shí)可以呼吸新的生活。這間臥室里充滿了各種各樣的綠色,形成明亮的,富有春天氣息的色調(diào)。

This Alexander mid-century modern home was turned over to Michelle Boudreau Design to breathe new life into it while updating it for modern times. This bedroom was decked out with varying shades of green for a fresh, spring-inspired palette.

Photo by Stephan Jouljar

位于倫敦的蒙特利爾誕生的MarcPéridis設(shè)計(jì)了這個(gè)25平方米的公寓,由David David設(shè)計(jì)藝術(shù)品,以及布置著大膽的家具,其中包括帶腿的咖啡桌,看起來像棉花糖。

Montreal-born, London-based Marc Péridis designed this 25 square meter apartment with artwork by David David and bold pieces of furniture, including the coffee table with legs meant to look like cotton candy.


最后,藝術(shù)家Camille Walala)自己的家是一幅多彩的杰作,完美地展示了她的簽名模式和風(fēng)格。黃色的對(duì)角條紋和白色的墻壁,搭配了黑色和白色的幾何地毯和黃色的咖啡桌,所有這些都與她自己的設(shè)計(jì)混合在一起。

And lastly, artist Camille Walala’s own home is a colorful masterpiece, perfectly showcasing her signature patterns and style throughout. A diagonally striped yellow and white wall pairs with a black and white, geometric rug and yellow coffee table, all of which are intermixed with her own designs.



下一篇:Soft Day,橫豎都是范兒

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